Vitamins & Minerals

The Importance of Seagreens® for Vegans and Vegetarians

By Sea greens | 10/02/2020

        More people are consuming meat-free diets than ever, and although this trend may be a positive shift for society regarding a reduction in carbon emissions, scientists are warning that certain dietary deficiencies such as iodine, may be of consequence[1]. Seagreens is a certified organic source of natural iodine which has been found to maintain better iodine sufficiency than common potassium iodide supplements[2]. In all diets, if […]


Seagreens® and the Gut Microbiome

By Sea greens | 23/10/2019
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In recent years the gut microbiome has been found to have critical importance to our overall wellbeing. This has increased both consumer and professional interest in effective prebiotics which can positively alter and support the microbiome. Seagreens® native wild Wrack seaweed, sustainably harvested in the British Isles and Nordic region, is one of these prebiotics. The microbiome is one of the body’s most essential components and although there is still […]


Cruciferous Vegetables: Associations with Cancer Risk and the Diet-Gene Link

By DNA fit | 09/08/2019
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Cruciferous vegetables, also known as Brassica, are sulphur-rich vegetables, the most common of which include: kale, collards, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi, pak choi, mustard greens, watercress and radish. Cruciferous vegetables have long been believed to exhibit health promoting properties beyond standard nutrition. This article will focus on the anticancer properties of cruciferous vegetables, the evidence on site-specific cancers, and genetic links.[1] As with most vegetables, cruciferous vegetables are low […]


Magnesium: A mood-saving mineral

By Prof. Dr. Jurgen Vormann | 03/04/2019

Magnesium plays a vital modulatory role in brain biochemistry and influences several neurotransmission pathways. Deficiencies of this important mineral can lead to personality changes, including apathy, depression, agitation, confusion, anxiety, and delirium. In recent years, several large epidemiological studies have suggested a risk reducing effect of high magnesium intake with various diseases, and an increased disease risk with low plasma magnesium concentration or low dietary intake.(2) In the research, magnesium […]


Magnesium and Your Hormones

By Lynae Morningstar | 22/09/2017
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Magnesium is an essential element which plays a key role in more than 300 biochemical processes in the human body. Unfortunately, due to soil depletion, it is estimated that up to 95% of the population is magnesium deficient. It’s no secret that most of us are over extended and stressed out, and in addition to many other adverse affects, stress depletes your magnesium levels. Magnesium deficiency leads to a host […]


Nutrients and food to support health during EMR exposure

By Brian Hoyer | 07/02/2017
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  There are foods and supplements you can take to support you during radiation exposure We live in a world that has progressed rapidly in just 150 years.  Our food has fundamentally changed.  It has been industrialized, sprayed with pesticides, and processed in ways like never before.  It is also being genetically modified to contain toxins that our bodies simply don’t recognize as food. In addition to the changes in […]


Vitamin D

By Andrew Thomas | 11/10/2016

Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients for our overall health… but how does it work, why are we all so deficient, and why is oral spray supplementation a superior way of boosting levels? ANDREW THOMAS founder of health pioneers BETTERYOU explains. Vitamin D is a pro-hormone which the body naturally produces by synthesising ultraviolet light from the sun [1]. As it is required in the body to […]

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